I am beginning to understand the difference between Pages and Post. Silly me, I’ve been posting new PAGES behind the first one. Meanwhile, someone visiting this site, would have been thinking nothing fresh had been added since its first day. My bad.
I can see from My Stats that lots of folks have visited and read the more up-front pages, and some of the back pages were visited less frequently, perhaps because folks never realized their existence, figuring the site was unchanged from their prior visits – the July Most Recent Post day remained unchanged.
There’s been lots of fresh new POSTS (look at the title list in the top graphic) and you can click on ‘Zechariah’ or any other title and read new writings that were added after the original.
I am getting this weblog thing.
I know the Lord is happy with my progress, and keeps reminding me of things to express, so I am fine.
And new POSTS will be added from now on, so when you visit, you will more easily encounter latest writings.