Monthly Archives: March 2020

As promised: A Link to prior teachings and notes, and some third party resources re these times

As some have requested and as I recently promised, I have uploaded a bunch of files that can serve as a resource – writings and some articles pertaining to my opinion regarding current situations on earth, as per the Lord’s … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, End Times Related, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Hearing God, Holy Spirit, Movement of God, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Repentance, Revelation(s), Salvation, Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God, Worship | Leave a comment

All that’s happening. All the questions. And shut-in or locked out, we finally find ourselves with time to wonder.

QUESTIONS: With so much happening, right now on a day to day basis, I am (like many, I’d presume) receiving emails, texts, phone calls, etc. – getting lots of questions, and inquiries re how I feel about things, what I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, End Times Related, Eternity, Everything, Faith, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Hearing God, Holy Spirit, Israel, Jesus, Movement of God, Prophecy, Prophets, Revelation(s), Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God | Leave a comment

Passover Forever – The Four Questions. The Fair Questions. Forever. For Now. For Our Benefit.

I’ve written before re the Leviticus 23 admonitions, encouragements, and heavenly warnings that specifically accompany some though not all of the Lev-23-listed Hebrew holidays. I am addressing the upcoming Passover, one of those holy-days where “forever”, “everlasting”, and “all generations” … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Blessing, End Times Related, Eternity, Everything, Faith, Israel, Jesus, Obedience, Old Testament, Personal Relationship, Prophecy, Repentance, Revelation(s), Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Word Of God | Leave a comment

Avner’s Excellent Post re the current pandemic, and God

Coronavirus and you POSTED ON MARCH 14, 2020 BY AVNER BOSKEY The coronavirus has now become a pandemic – a “worldwide spread of a new disease” ( ). “an epidemic that has spread over several countries or continents, usually affecting … Continue reading

Posted in Everything | Leave a comment

The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth

  “The whole truth and nothing but the truth” Sgt. Joe Friday, TV’s “Dragnet” detective, asked and expected this of the folks he would interrogate (along with “Nothing but the facts”) Our Lord expects nothing less than this of … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, End Times Related, Eternity, Everything, Faith, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Hearing God, Holy Spirit, Obedience, Old Testament, Prophecy, Prophets, Repentance, Revelation(s), Sin, Testing, Timing, Tribulation, Wisdom, Word Of God | Leave a comment