Category Archives: False Teachers

A post from my friend Avner Boskey re the Scriptures vs the writings of the Rabbis, Scribes, etc.

(this picture is intentionally a composite of faces) Avner Boskey’s most current writing is a tremendous statement of truth, worthy of reading and then quite frankly reading again. We all appreciate: A. Our calling as redeemed saints of God is … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Hearing God, Israel, Jesus, Legalism, New Testament, Old Testament, Prophets, Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Word Of God | Leave a comment

The Days When Holiness Is Hated

The city names “Sodom and Gomorrah” are synonymous with sin, and also synonymous with judgment by a righteous God. To get technical, there were more cities than just those two that were totally destroyed by fire and brimstone at that … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, End Times Related, Eternity, Everything, False Teachers, God's Word, Holiness, Holy Spirit, Israel, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Prophecy, Repentance, Revelation(s), Timing, Tribulation, Word Of God | Leave a comment

Who is supposed to get dismayed? And when is the big Dismay?

The prophet Jeremiah ministered to the Jewish people during some seriously tough times. I’d recommend anyone/everyone read at least the first 9 chapters of this prophetic book. By Chapter 10 things were still heating up and would shortly be tougher … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, Faith, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Hearing God, Israel, New Testament, Old Testament, Prophets, Revelation(s), Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God | Leave a comment

1. What Might 2 Tim 2&3 look like? 2. Where are we to be looking?

2 Timothy 3:12 – 4:4 CONFIRMATION OF REALITY. ALL. NO COUNTRY-BOUNDARY BUBBLES OF SAFETY 12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. ONGOING AND PROGRESSIVELY INCREASING, AND CONTAGIOUS DECEPTION. 13 But evil men … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, False Teachers, Hearing God, Holy Spirit, New Testament, Prophecy, Revelation(s), Suffering, Testing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment

Are the prophets (and the church) standing upon and proclaiming the whole message?

Numbers 11:29 29 Then Moses said to him, “Are you zealous for my sake? Oh, that all the LORD’S people were prophets and that the LORD would put His Spirit upon them!” – so let’s include all of us, as … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Hearing God, Holy Spirit, Movement of God, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Peace, Prophecy, Repentance, Revelation(s), Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God | Leave a comment

As promised: A Link to prior teachings and notes, and some third party resources re these times

As some have requested and as I recently promised, I have uploaded a bunch of files that can serve as a resource – writings and some articles pertaining to my opinion regarding current situations on earth, as per the Lord’s … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, End Times Related, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Hearing God, Holy Spirit, Movement of God, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Repentance, Revelation(s), Salvation, Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God, Worship | Leave a comment

All that’s happening. All the questions. And shut-in or locked out, we finally find ourselves with time to wonder.

QUESTIONS: With so much happening, right now on a day to day basis, I am (like many, I’d presume) receiving emails, texts, phone calls, etc. – getting lots of questions, and inquiries re how I feel about things, what I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, End Times Related, Eternity, Everything, Faith, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Hearing God, Holy Spirit, Israel, Jesus, Movement of God, Prophecy, Prophets, Revelation(s), Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God | Leave a comment

Walvoord re Zechariah

I love reading the writings of John Walvoord. This dedicated scholar went home to his reward years ago. I humbly disagree with him on his view of rapture timing (I believe the saints are here for the tribulation but not … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, Faith, False Teachers, God's Word, Israel, Jesus, Old Testament, Prophecy, Revelation(s), Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment

Flies in the prophetic ointment – the potential and the peril of the divine dichotomy

There are prophets in the land, always. God has ordained that. For anyone leaning towards cessationism (believing that the supernatural ceased when the canon of scripture was complete) – Paul in 1 Cor 13:8 is telling us that prophecy will … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Hearing God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Movement of God, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Personal Relationship, Prophecy, Prophets, Psalms, Revelation(s), Salvation, Sin, Testing, Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God, Worship | Comments Off on Flies in the prophetic ointment – the potential and the peril of the divine dichotomy

Cause and Effect. Jealous God. Proactive Housecleaning.

Exodus 20:5-7 5 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, Blessing, Cleanliness, End Times Related, Everything, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, Holiness, Israel, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Personal Relationship, Prophecy, Prophets, Repentance, Revelation(s), Righteousness, Sin, Testing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Word Of God | Comments Off on Cause and Effect. Jealous God. Proactive Housecleaning.