Monthly Archives: September 2017

The Conclusion Of This Age, and The Return Of Our Lord – teaching notes from 2 PETER chapter 3

This is a loooong post because these are notes from a teaching that encompasses much but clearly not all of the biblical perspective of the return of Jesus. Since it so broad in its text reference, it can be a … Continue reading

Posted in End Times Related, Everything, God's Word, Israel, Jesus, Timing, Tribulation | Leave a comment

Trying To Remove God’s Teeth

    I recently received a communication from someone who declared Hurricane Irma “evil” – implying it was something to war against in our spirits, something to pray against. As praying folks, and as the people of God, it’s our … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, Fear of the Lord, Free Will, God's Word, Prophets, Repentance, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom | Leave a comment

…upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 10:1-13 1 Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, 2 all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Holiness, Old Testament, Prophecy, Revelation(s), Tribulation | Leave a comment

The Predicament Of Prediction

One of the jeopardies of predicting (even with the purest of intention) that the Lord is coming on a certain day or in a certain hour, is that when He may fail to comply with our prognostications, we unintentionally do … Continue reading

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