Monthly Archives: September 2012


REPENT Merriam Webster defines the word REPENT as follows: intransitive verb 1 : to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one’s life 2 a : to feel regret or contrition b : to change one’s mind … Continue reading

Posted in Cleanliness, Communion, Everything, Repentance, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment

Psalm 81

I am convinced that virtually every accurate doctrinal truth can be found in the Psalms, without any necessary wrangling or massaging of scriptures to make them work. Take Psalm 81, for example. This is pretty much a run-of-the-mill kind of … Continue reading

Posted in Everything, God's Word, Old Testament, Psalms, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment

Ahithophel: Hung Up On An Anointing

There’s a guy in the days of King David that we can all learn from. Ahithophel. He’s pretty much covered in three chapters of 2 Samuel. BACKGROUND: David is running for his life, from his own rebellious son Absalom, all … Continue reading

Posted in Everything, False Teachers, Pride, Repentance, Sin, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom | Leave a comment

Zechariah – how old was this kid?

I’ve always loved these verses in 1 Samuel, where this young boy (Hebrew word is “na-ar” – Strong’s number H5288) gets introduced to hearing the voice of the Lord during a time when things were pretty bleak, the priest being … Continue reading

Posted in Everything, Israel, Prophecy, Prophets, Revelation(s) | 1 Comment

Israel: THE Big Deal

God is all about numbers – 1, 3, 7, 12, etc. They show up all the time in scripture, both in primary as well as multiple form (144,000, etc,) Because God is the God of all things, He creatively chooses … Continue reading

Posted in End Times Related, Everything, God's Word, Israel, Movement of God, Prayer, Prophecy, Prophets, Revelation(s), Understanding & Knowing God | 1 Comment

The Priority of the Holy Spirit

The Priority of the Holy Spirit. One thing that is key to any study of the Holy Spirit is to understand the absolute PRIORITY of the Holy Spirit. I once sadly heard a good pastor refer to Holy Spirit baptism, … Continue reading

Posted in Everything, Holiness, Holy Speech, Personal Relationship, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment