Monthly Archives: August 2012

Immediately After The Tribulation

Matt 24:29-35 (NKJ) 29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 … Continue reading

Posted in End Times Related, Everything, Prophecy, Revelation(s), Tribulation | Leave a comment

The Great Patent Holder

The U.S. Patent Office is a fine institution. Overworked, inundated with applications from too many people for too many inventions, the poor examiners are required to wade through often purposely cloudy technical descriptions, and then try to sort through countless … Continue reading

Posted in Creation, Everything, Movement of God, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment

Psalm 34 – Learning The Fear Of The Lord

Our adversary the devil, being a pervert and a liar, has an agenda to pervert virtually everything that God has established for good. One of those perversions is Fear. God is truly awesome. The Hebrew word for awesome is “ya-re” … Continue reading

Posted in Everything, Fear of the Lord, Old Testament, Personal Relationship, Prayer, Psalms, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment

Jesus’ Faithfulness. Our Faithfulness.

Jesus of course is faithful. Believers are betting their eternal souls on that truth. That said, it is wise for us to consider not only THAT He is faithful, but also TO WHAT He is faithful. There is sometimes a … Continue reading

Posted in Everything, Jesus, Movement of God, Understanding & Knowing God | 1 Comment

Verily, Verily

Everything Jesus said was “Verily”. Everything Jesus ever said is true. In fact, Jesus IS Truth. That means if He said something, we can bet on it. It is accurate, it is not deceptive, and it is not an exaggeration. … Continue reading

Posted in Everything, Israel, Jesus, Movement of God, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Tribulation | Leave a comment

Pray Pray Pray, then Pray some more

Paul wrote to Timothy, whom he loved desperately, that the following was God’s will: 1Thes 5:16-18 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. … Continue reading

Posted in Everything, Personal Relationship, Prayer, Understanding & Knowing God | 2 Comments

Ps 107 – Whoever is wise will observe these things….

Ps 107 This is a profound psalm, and I’ve taught on it several times. It’s 43 verses, with the last verse teasing you to go back and read the first 42. Actually, I believe the author (some think David, some … Continue reading

Posted in Everything, Personal Relationship, Psalms, Repentance, Revelation(s), Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom | 1 Comment

Backyard Idols

The days of Judges could be summed up by the final verse of the book – “everyone did what was right in their own eyes”. Jealous/zealous God (“qana” in Hebrew meaning both zealous and jealous) doesn’t do well when folks … Continue reading

Posted in Everything, Prophets, Repentance, Sin, Suffering, Understanding & Knowing God | 1 Comment

Israel: God’s Ground Zero.

It’s perfectly fine to “pull scriptures down” into situations that are not precisely the complete fulfillment of their full purpose. Jesus quoted Isa 61 in the temple, and omitted “Day of Vengeance of the Lord”. It wasn’t time for the … Continue reading

Posted in Everything, Holy Speech, Holy Spirit, Israel, Movement of God, Prayer, Prophecy, Understanding & Knowing God | 1 Comment

Global WARNING, not Global Warming

The weather has always been an issue. Society originally being completely agrarian, weather could mean survival or ruin, in short season. Crops and animals (hey, our food prices), travel and warfare – have always all been dependent upon weather. Ask … Continue reading

Posted in Creation, End Times Related, Everything, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment