Category Archives: Creation

Heart Conditions….and their effect on our spiritual ears

Psalm 95 is presented to us as a “A Call to Worship and Obedience” Hebrews 4:7, btw, attributes the psalm to King David. Figures. Ps 95 is brief, succinct (to the point) and eternal. It is quoted 3X in the … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Creation, End Times Related, Everything, Faith, Free Will, Holy Spirit, Obedience, Peace, Psalms, Sabbath, Testing, Worship | Comments Off on Heart Conditions….and their effect on our spiritual ears

My Go-To Giving-Of-Thanks Thanksgiving Verse

The verse that immediately comes to mind, when the theme of “giving thanks” is brought up, can be found in a very tough and for the most part infrequently discussed psalm. Number 50. It’s infrequency of discussion is likely because … Continue reading

Posted in Blessed, Creation, Everything, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Old Testament, Personal Relationship, Thanksgiving, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment

Intentional and Steadfast Living – Per 2 Peter

STEADFASTNESS and INTENTIONAL LIVING – Per 2 Peter Or: GRACE TO BE INTENTIONAL 2 Peter presents a perfect framework for a discourse re steadfastness and intentionality, two components of our Christian walks that are critical to our success, particularly as … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, Creation, End Times Related, Everything, False Teachers, Holiness, New Testament, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment

Back To Normal

Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown were three dedicated and knowledgeable gents who wrote an exhaustive commentary on the entire bible, back in the days when writing actually meant WRITING with a pen, going through stacks and stack of your own notes, … Continue reading

Posted in Creation, Everything, Movement of God, Personal Relationship, Understanding & Knowing God | 1 Comment

Is It Raining?

God, who created it all, is very much in charge of the elements. Always has, always will be. He has revealed and declared that truth with authority, and with clarity: Ps 104 (NKJ) 1 Bless the LORD, O my soul! … Continue reading

Posted in Creation, Everything, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment

The Great Patent Holder

The U.S. Patent Office is a fine institution. Overworked, inundated with applications from too many people for too many inventions, the poor examiners are required to wade through often purposely cloudy technical descriptions, and then try to sort through countless … Continue reading

Posted in Creation, Everything, Movement of God, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment

Global WARNING, not Global Warming

The weather has always been an issue. Society originally being completely agrarian, weather could mean survival or ruin, in short season. Crops and animals (hey, our food prices), travel and warfare – have always all been dependent upon weather. Ask … Continue reading

Posted in Creation, End Times Related, Everything, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment