Category Archives: Anointing

‘OFFER TO GOD THANKSGIVING’ – and the current war against that powerful invitation and holy charge

Prior to our nation ‘officially’ becoming a country, our pilgrim forefathers, having safely arrived aboard the tiny Mayflower ship, bowed the knee and entered into covenant with God Almighty, asking for His divine favor, protection and guidance, declaring their intent … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, End Times Related, Everything, Faith, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Healing, Personal Relationship, Prayer, Psalms, Righteousness, Salvation, Thanksgiving, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God | Leave a comment

Psalm 32. Forever. For us. For now.

Today is 9/11. This psalm of David is both personal and also global, global of course including national. We first entered into covenant with God aboard the deck of the Mayflower. Legally we were not yet nationalized, but God hears … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, End Times Related, Eternity, Everything, Faith, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Healing, Holiness, Obedience, Old Testament, Prayer, Prophecy, Prophets, Psalms, Repentance, Righteousness, Sin, Suffering, Testing, Tribulation, Wisdom, Word Of God, Worship | Leave a comment

Ephesians Podcast – Session 04. Called for the Outpouring Of Glory

Fully qualified by the cross, we’re now called to the place of voluntary surrender – so that the work of the Holy Spirit IN and THROUGH us can maximize our potential to participate in the global work of glory prophesied … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Blessed, End Times Related, Everything, Free Will, God's Word, Holiness, Holy Spirit, Jesus, New Testament, Personal Relationship, Prophecy, Righteousness, Timing, Understanding & Knowing God, Word Of God | Leave a comment


Rain is a powerful component of our great God’s Creation Plan. We can’t live without. It represents Outpouring, Growth, Judgment, and more. One of my favorite invitations and admonitions is Zechariah 10:1, that tells/invites/charges us to: Zechariah 10:1 1 Ask … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, Everything, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Movement of God, New Testament, Old Testament, Timing, Understanding & Knowing God, Word Of God | Leave a comment

Systemic Sin

Haggai 2:6-9 6 “For thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; 7 and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, Fear of the Lord, Free Will, God's Word, Holiness, Holy Spirit, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Prayer, Prophecy, Prophets, Repentance, Revelation(s), Righteousness, Sin, Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God | Leave a comment

Is God a Republican or a Democrat?

The title of this writing is presented as a multiple choice question. Is God: A. A Republican?; OR B. A Democrat? The answer, however, is a YES/NO answer. And the correct answer is NO. It’s NEITHER. This kind of question-and-answer … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, Blessed, Blessing, Everything, Faith, Fear of the Lord, Free Will, God's Word, Hearing God, Holiness, Israel, Obedience, Old Testament, Personal Relationship, Pride, Prophets, Repentance, Righteousness, Sin, Suffering, Testing, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God | Leave a comment

A Re-Post of a critical article by Avner Boskey

This is timely critical reading, friends. And a prayerful response is called for. The culmination of our Lord’s plans for this Age center around Israel, as they should. All of the current shakings of this turbulent year, and forward, are … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, Blessing, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Israel, Jesus, Prayer, Prophecy, Tribulation, Word Of God | Leave a comment

TIMING: Crucifixion. Ascension. Pentecost and Now. Outpouring Of The Spirit. Darkness and Light. God’s Great Paradox.

par·a·dox /ˈperəˌdäks/ noun noun: paradox; plural noun: paradoxes 1. a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true. Here’s the “self-contradictory” truth of scripture: Isaiah 60:1-3 (FOR THE … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, Bless, Blessed, Blessing, End Times Related, Eternity, Everything, Faith, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Holy Spirit, Israel, Jesus, Movement of God, New Testament, Old Testament, Prophecy, Prophets, Psalms, Revelation(s), Testing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God, Worship | Leave a comment

1. What Might 2 Tim 2&3 look like? 2. Where are we to be looking?

2 Timothy 3:12 – 4:4 CONFIRMATION OF REALITY. ALL. NO COUNTRY-BOUNDARY BUBBLES OF SAFETY 12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. ONGOING AND PROGRESSIVELY INCREASING, AND CONTAGIOUS DECEPTION. 13 But evil men … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, False Teachers, Hearing God, Holy Spirit, New Testament, Prophecy, Revelation(s), Suffering, Testing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment

AMOS 3 and AMOS 4 – and weather God speaks

TITLE NOT A TYPO: I purposely used WEATHER as opposed to WHETHER in the title of this writing, as it pertains to our country, our time, and our God. Quippy. COVERED BEFORE: A good deal of this topic has been … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, End Times Related, Eternity, Everything, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Holy Spirit, Movement of God, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Personal Relationship, Prophecy, Prophets, Repentance, Revelation(s), Sin, Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Word Of God | Leave a comment