As some have requested and as I recently promised, I have uploaded a bunch of files that can serve as a resource – writings and some articles pertaining to my opinion regarding current situations on earth, as per the Lord’s plans and timing.
I continue to be learning and pressing in to the Lord, so just like legal documents, I will say: In the event anything appears to conflict w other writings within this folder, more current writings are intended to supersede earlier writings – simply because I am on my journey, as you are on yours.
Some of the docs are live docs.
Some are pdfs
Powerpoints provide graphical support materials so you can see pics and specific scriptures used when many/most of these were publicly presented/taught.
Feel free to utilize any/all of these. They are the Lord’s not mine, unless they are proven incorrect, in which case they are mine!
The 3-week teaching on the books of 1 Peter and 2 Peter of course are broader than just end-times matters, but because that theme is so interwoven into both those books I’ve decided to include them in their entirety.
The David M. Rogers writing is particularly heady, but I believe invaluable it getting an understanding of the Restrainer mystery in Thessalonians. Those writings were a confirmation to me of the personal revelation I received from the Lord that became “The Main Event” writing that is available on the website – search for it via SUBJECT, typing in its name.
I wrote (in the prior post):
STAY TUNED FOR TEACHING NOTES: I am also gathering my notes from many teachings – some of which have not been posted on ez3728 before, including the 8-week 2018 Daniel class. Those include pics and scriptures in powerpoint format as well as word doc text – so that can be thoroughly dug into. Feel free to utilize, any/all any way you like. Please know that the writings are my personal teaching notes, and therefore HAVE NOT been perfectly and thoroughly proof-edited. Also, there may well be some specific mentions of events and people at church etc. They are what they are. If your name happens to be in any notes, sorry in advance. They are literally my notes to myself for the classes.