Samuel: The Church

In general, the whole “king-thing” failed miserably for covenant-bound Israel.
The people wanted to be like the other nations, when, in fact, their king was supposed to be God, The King. Although America is a covenent nation and the same Lord God requires to be respected and obeyed for the covenant to function as intended, that specific analogy does not perfectly factor into American political structure, so we would be wise to not focus there in this writing. Our topical verses appear subsequent to that historic back-story.

Unlike OT Israel, our nation is pretty much a test-tube experiment for democratic/republic structure. And as much as leadership personalities might succumb to king-like drunken-authority (power often corrupts), we’ve been purposely established, not as a monarchy or similar autocracy, but as a voting nation. Hence the current events.

Over-arching the election is the prophetic fact that the world, at this juncture in the eschatological age, is pretty much at the feet (likely the toes) of the Daniel-2 dream statue. The harsh and mixed elements of impure, convoluted governmental failure are in place globally – awaiting the supernatural stone. In part to our chagrin but also in larger part to our divine calling (for such a time as this), there’s still much that requires fulfillment prior to the divine sorting-out and return of Messiah. So hang in there, saints.

Meanwhile we can learn and also (a) take heart as well as (b) take warning from the following verses proclaimed by Samuel the prophet.

THE ISRAEL BACK-STORY: God in His faithfulness continued to have His eye upon covenant-Israel, not backing off from their accountability and potential jeopardy, at the same time providing them with praying Samuel to speak, teach and intercede on their behalf, for their success, and for the avoidance of judgment.

THE NATION: Covenant-bound America would do well to heed these words of warning and admonition. Laws and lifestyle defying God’s laws are always a formula for horrific failure.

THE CHURCH: The praying church would do very well to take upon itself, in humility and sustained and intentional action, the role and mantle of the prophet Samuel, who declared the whole council of God, and vowed to pray for his stumbling nation.

1 Samuel 12:20-25
20 Then Samuel said to the people, “Do not fear. You have done all this wickedness; yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart.
21 And do not turn aside; for then you would go after empty things which cannot profit or deliver, for they are nothing.
22 For the Lord will not forsake His people, for His great name’s sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make you His people.
23 Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you; but I will teach you the good and the right way.
24 Only fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you.
25 But if you still do wickedly, you shall be swept away, both you and your king.”

All scripture NKJV

About ez3728

I am a believer in Jesus - that He is the One and Only Messiah of the world. I believe the Bible is the perfect and complete Word of God, and that God is absolutely competent and capable of keeping His Word perfect, undefiled, and uncorrupted. Jesus was born Jewish. So was I. He lived a perfect life, and is worshiped. I live an imperfect life, and I worship Him.
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