Category Archives: Repentance

Passover Forever – The Four Questions. The Fair Questions. Forever. For Now. For Our Benefit.

I’ve written before re the Leviticus 23 admonitions, encouragements, and heavenly warnings that specifically accompany some though not all of the Lev-23-listed Hebrew holidays. I am addressing the upcoming Passover, one of those holy-days where “forever”, “everlasting”, and “all generations” … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Blessing, End Times Related, Eternity, Everything, Faith, Israel, Jesus, Obedience, Old Testament, Personal Relationship, Prophecy, Repentance, Revelation(s), Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Word Of God | Leave a comment

The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth

  “The whole truth and nothing but the truth” Sgt. Joe Friday, TV’s “Dragnet” detective, asked and expected this of the folks he would interrogate (along with “Nothing but the facts”) Our Lord expects nothing less than this of … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, End Times Related, Eternity, Everything, Faith, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Hearing God, Holy Spirit, Obedience, Old Testament, Prophecy, Prophets, Repentance, Revelation(s), Sin, Testing, Timing, Tribulation, Wisdom, Word Of God | Leave a comment

Connecting Some Prophetic Dots: Super Bowl, Days, Dates and Palindromes, Ground Hog Day, and Revival Done Right

Some of this I have addressed before in prior writings. Much of this is brand new, one week new in fact. God is moving, and unlike the Pharisees – who Jesus called hypocrites for refusing to discern the signs of … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, Blessed, End Times Related, Everything, Fear of the Lord, Holy Spirit, Movement of God, Personal Relationship, Prophecy, Repentance, Timing, Understanding & Knowing God, Worship | Leave a comment

Cause and Effect. Jealous God. Proactive Housecleaning.

Exodus 20:5-7 5 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, Blessing, Cleanliness, End Times Related, Everything, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, Holiness, Israel, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Personal Relationship, Prophecy, Prophets, Repentance, Revelation(s), Righteousness, Sin, Testing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Word Of God | Comments Off on Cause and Effect. Jealous God. Proactive Housecleaning.

“An act of God”

One can argue all day that America is not Israel. And they are correct. Israel is Israel. Nonetheless the Lord deals with every nation, particularly with nations that: Proclaim His name Make covenant with Him (FYI: our first one was … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Repentance, Sin, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom | Comments Off on “An act of God”


Troubulation: The title is not an accidental misspell. The etymological relationship between Tribulation and Trouble is apparent. The trouble with the word TRIBULATION is that (even most and sober) believers are often inclined to see Tribulation only as a period … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, Apocalypse, End Times Related, Everything, Fear of the Lord, Holiness, New Testament, Obedience, Old Testament, Personal Relationship, Prayer, Prophecy, Psalms, Repentance, Righteousness, Sin, Timing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Word Of God | Comments Off on “TROUBULATION”

One Path

The elder John, having been around the “Christian block” many many times in his many years of faithful living, was writing to a woman he cited as “Kyria” – noble lady. What a great title! 2 John 1:4-6 4 I … Continue reading

Posted in Anointing, End Times Related, Everything, False Teachers, Fear of the Lord, Free Will, God's Word, Hearing God, Holy Speech, Legalism, Obedience, Personal Relationship, Pride, Repentance, Salvation, Sin, Testing, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom, Word Of God | Comments Off on One Path

NATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY – aka when and how God addresses a rebellious society – particularly a rebellious covenant nation. And the Yom Kippur invitation, to all, to personal and national repentance.

UPDATED June 8, 2020 – Amidst a covid world plague and severe national trouble. Other than some warranted grammatical improvements and an added word or two to flesh things out or clarify a bit, this article is unaltered from its … Continue reading

Posted in Apocalypse, Blessed, End Times Related, Everything, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Holiness, Israel, Old Testament, Prophecy, Prophets, Repentance, Sabbath, Tribulation, Understanding & Knowing God, Word Of God | Leave a comment

Tapping Out

There’s terminology in UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship), and elsewhere – like the somewhat more theatrical (though still challenging and strenuous) wrestling bouts of TV-land, referred to as “Tapping Out”. When one fighter finds himself/(sadly sometimes herself) in a position where … Continue reading

Posted in Blessing, Everything, Fear of the Lord, God's Word, Israel, Obedience, Old Testament, Personal Relationship, Repentance, Sin, Suffering, Thanksgiving, Understanding & Knowing God | Leave a comment


The God who does not change (Malachi 3:somewhere – read the whole chapter it’s all good) clearly demonstrates how He deals with His people. Please remember that New-Testament Paul tells us in 1 Cor 10 the accounts of God’s discipline … Continue reading

Posted in Blessing, Everything, Fear of the Lord, Holiness, Obedience, Repentance, Sin, Suffering, Testing, Understanding & Knowing God, Wisdom | Leave a comment